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MDP30779M2R011_COCSNMed31MiddleCochliobolus sativus (strain ND90Pr / ATCC 201652) (Common root rot and spot blotch fungus) (Bipolaris sorokiniana)
MDP30780M2R0L5_COCSNMed17HeadCochliobolus sativus (strain ND90Pr / ATCC 201652) (Common root rot and spot blotch fungus) (Bipolaris sorokiniana)
MDP30781M2R2A7_COCSNCycCKinaseCochliobolus sativus (strain ND90Pr / ATCC 201652) (Common root rot and spot blotch fungus) (Bipolaris sorokiniana)
MDP30784M2RIG7_COCSNMed4MiddleCochliobolus sativus (strain ND90Pr / ATCC 201652) (Common root rot and spot blotch fungus) (Bipolaris sorokiniana)
MDP30785M2RYK2_COCSNMed18HeadCochliobolus sativus (strain ND90Pr / ATCC 201652) (Common root rot and spot blotch fungus) (Bipolaris sorokiniana)
MDP30786M2SAW9_COCSNMed7MiddleCochliobolus sativus (strain ND90Pr / ATCC 201652) (Common root rot and spot blotch fungus) (Bipolaris sorokiniana)
MDP30787M2SNN3_COCSNMed14TailCochliobolus sativus (strain ND90Pr / ATCC 201652) (Common root rot and spot blotch fungus) (Bipolaris sorokiniana)
MDP30788M2SNQ9_COCSNMed10MiddleCochliobolus sativus (strain ND90Pr / ATCC 201652) (Common root rot and spot blotch fungus) (Bipolaris sorokiniana)
MDP30789M2SQC7_COCSNMed13KinaseCochliobolus sativus (strain ND90Pr / ATCC 201652) (Common root rot and spot blotch fungus) (Bipolaris sorokiniana)
MDP30790M2SQP6_COCSNCDK8KinaseCochliobolus sativus (strain ND90Pr / ATCC 201652) (Common root rot and spot blotch fungus) (Bipolaris sorokiniana)
MDP30791M2SSS5_COCSNMed6HeadCochliobolus sativus (strain ND90Pr / ATCC 201652) (Common root rot and spot blotch fungus) (Bipolaris sorokiniana)
MDP30792M2SUC4_COCSNMed8HeadCochliobolus sativus (strain ND90Pr / ATCC 201652) (Common root rot and spot blotch fungus) (Bipolaris sorokiniana)
MDP30793M2SX56_COCSNMed16TailCochliobolus sativus (strain ND90Pr / ATCC 201652) (Common root rot and spot blotch fungus) (Bipolaris sorokiniana)
MDP30794M2SX78_COCSNMed19HeadCochliobolus sativus (strain ND90Pr / ATCC 201652) (Common root rot and spot blotch fungus) (Bipolaris sorokiniana)
MDP30796M2SZ13_COCSNMed15TailCochliobolus sativus (strain ND90Pr / ATCC 201652) (Common root rot and spot blotch fungus) (Bipolaris sorokiniana)
MDP30798M2T021_COCSNMed21MiddleCochliobolus sativus (strain ND90Pr / ATCC 201652) (Common root rot and spot blotch fungus) (Bipolaris sorokiniana)
MDP30800M2T2M0_COCSNMed11HeadCochliobolus sativus (strain ND90Pr / ATCC 201652) (Common root rot and spot blotch fungus) (Bipolaris sorokiniana)
MDP30801M2T314_COCSNMed20HeadCochliobolus sativus (strain ND90Pr / ATCC 201652) (Common root rot and spot blotch fungus) (Bipolaris sorokiniana)
MDP30802M2T888_COCSNMed12KinaseCochliobolus sativus (strain ND90Pr / ATCC 201652) (Common root rot and spot blotch fungus) (Bipolaris sorokiniana)
MDP30803M2TI34_COCSNMed5TailCochliobolus sativus (strain ND90Pr / ATCC 201652) (Common root rot and spot blotch fungus) (Bipolaris sorokiniana)